rAndOm thOts
I wAs wAtchIng tv EArlIEr On, A bAby wAs shOwned And sUddEnly flAsh! flAsh! flAsh! I wAs rEmIndEd Of A drEAm I hAd lAst nIght. I drEAmEd I wAs cArryIng A bAby gIrl In my Arms, AbsOlUtEly thrIllEd wIth hEr, lOOkIng AftEr hEr wIth lOvIng tEndEr cArE! shE sEEms lIkE mInE And I wAs tOtAlly At blIss! sIgh! why dO I hAvE tO wAkE Up!
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Eileen was helping with the ppt flashing during worship last Sun and i thot she did a good job. Obviously, certain stanza of the songs were not in the ppt, poor girl was desperately hunting for it and at the same time had to revert fast to the page that was there so we could sing. All eyes were on her but its not her fault. Stress! Sweat! If I were her. Thanks Eileen!